God loves to hear about your concerns!

Welcome back!

As I said in this edition of Java, jammies, and Jesus, it is my passion and desire to assist you in taking your rightful place, in the magnificent throne room, where you belong, and in enjoying His presence as He richly pours blessing upon blessing on, in, and through you.

Will you join me?

Please let me know by commenting below!

To His and our glory!

2 Responses to God loves to hear about your concerns!
  1. Tina Romano
    March 12, 2009 | 4:40 pm

    Dear Maryann,

    Your words do stir me and make me think…I am struggling with not being able to trust God’s Heart. I know and have experienced His Power in my Life…My children and I have also endured un-imagineable brokeness.

    Please don’t tell me it is the consequence of sin…sorry, I am not perfect but I have lived a life wholly set apart unto God and raised my children in the fear and admonition of our Lord God.

    Additionally I spent 20 year in a marriage to a man professing Christianity who suffers with significant emotional and low self esteem issues. I spent 20 years caring for a man who was stuck in the past and had to prove to everyone how good he was. He was disabled for the last 7 years of my marriage and was very cold, distant and disinterested in me. I gave up my dreams to try to help him find his way into a close relationship with God.

    Unfortunately, my diligence resulted in his sexual and mental abuse of my children and intense mental and emotional abuse of me. I have divorced and remarried, but must question Gods love for me, to allow such a horrible thing to happen to my adopted, special needs daughters. He left all of us with deep scars, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a host of other challenges.

    Today, I don’t know what I believe anymore. He has allowed so much abuse and brokenness to impact my daughters and I.

    I am blessed by God with a multitude of love and blessings but fear His Heart. When will he play sport with my families lives again as he has in the past several years? Just like he did with Job. It probably went like this…Hey Satan, up for a challenge. Here’s what he may have said to Satan. Okay, you want to play, I will give you my best guy and you can torment and hurt him all you want, heck you can even kill all of his family and tun everyone against him, just don’t kill him. Wow, I hope he doesn’t want to play sports with my life and my families lives anymore. We have endured enough pain to last 10 lifetimes.

    Tina Romano

  2. Tina Romano
    March 12, 2009 | 4:45 pm


    Please correct my typos. Thanks Tina

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