Got Purpose or Too Busy Surviving?

In my last blog post, I presented the opening line in Paul’s letter to his spiritual son, Timothy.

“I, Paul, am on special assignment for Christ, carrying out God’s plan laid out in the Message of Life by Jesus.” (2 Tim 1:2  The Message)

Paul knew his individual assignment, but also how he fit into the bigger plan.  Having had my own purpose clarified, I can’t tell you the difference it makes!!I encourage you to seek the Lord about yours!

I am aware though, that many of you are in survival mode. Purpose seems too far out there.  Paying your bills, struggling with health issues, healing a broken heart all seem lots more pressing and urgent.

Clarity seems impossible with all the anxious, colliding thoughts.  But I propose that purpose changes the daily grind into daily gold, so press on. It’s so worth it!

Psalm 23:2 says the Lord leads us beside still waters.  He does this!!

Each morning, even for a few minutes,  I HAVE to sit with the Lord, my still water, and get renewed, refreshed, and restored.

Clarity for purpose has come during these times.  But something came before that…. clarity of who I am.

Recently we saw the movie, “The Karate Kid.”  There is a scene where the karate kid’s trainer has the boy look into a large font of water.  When he stirred the water, the boy’s reflection was distorted and unrecognizable.
Then when the water became still, the boy looked at his reflection again, and of course, it was an accurate representation of his face.

This has been my experience when I sit with the Lord.  He has taught me how to look into His face, gain a quiet stillness in my spirit, and position me to hear and see Him, myself, and my circumstances clearly.

Clarity of purpose comes frequently during those times. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t come while driving to work, doing dishes, or taking a shower!

However, the practice of sitting still with Him, seeking Him, and loving on Him brings a great reward.

Clarity of purpose will take you from trying to survive the day to giving your daily activities meaning.  It brings a hope and perspective.

You need to see yourself as more than a conqueror.  You have been given power and the authority to use it.  Your life is favored and full of good things.  His divine power has already given you EVERYTHING for life and godliness.

Ask God to teach you, to train your mind to see your special purpose and the opportunities to fulfill it.  It is within reach.  It’s how you are made.
Have a great day!
Always in YOUR corner,

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