Agree with God, He really is Your Help!

Help from the Lord

One of the vehicles in my life that God uses to help me confront and overcome my fears and grow in His Amazing Love is my network marketing business. I often don’t like calling it a business because, for one, I don’t really treat it as a business, but also, it’s one of the ways I’ve been called to help people.

Business sounds so, well, mercenary, though it doesn’t have to be, but that is often the perception. Many of my partners feel the same way. We desire to be a resource of genuine assistance, not people who impose, hurt, or offend.

But in approaching people and offering to assist or benefit them in some way, we sometimes get misunderstood, ignored, or flat out rejected. This can be painful. It can cause us to recoil, slip into oblivion with our heads hung low, want to attack in response, or give up trying.

Maybe we cause some of our own pain by how we approach people. Maybe we could use better words and phrasing, or questions, or timing. Maybe…..

But sometimes we look too hard for “the” answer or the secret to success, that we get lost. We forget why we are even here, what we are doing, and where the TRUE source of OUR help lay. Before we can truly be of help to others, we need to fully understand from where OUR help comes, and how to appropriate that help!

Recently, while in one of those foggy funks myself, my awesome hubby, reminded me of Ps 118. I would like to share this with you over the next few days, because it’s one of those Psalms, that, taken to heart, makes you feel so good!!!

Look with me first at verses 1-4 (AMP)

GIVE thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!
Let Israel now say that His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.
Let the house of Aaron [the priesthood] now say that His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.
Let those now who reverently and worshipfully fear the Lord say that His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.

Before we continue, let’s notice together what the Psalmist leads us to do….

1. Give Thanks.
2. NOW SAY, “His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.”

What a good idea! In the middle of funks, Give Thanks! Verbally, out loud. I have found that giving thanks in the face of discouragement is very elevating. So, maybe you can stop what you are doing right now, and …. GIVE THANKS!

Why? Because the truth is, He is good, really, and good to each of us, personally and individually.

So, join me now: “Thank You Father, for You are good, and good to me, always. Thank You.”

If you’re not feeling it, keep thanking until you do. There is real power in your words.

Another reason to Give Thanks:  God’s mercy and loving-kindness endures forever!

This is not just a blanket statement, cold, impersonal, for everyone else but you… it is YOURS!
He loves YOU. He is merciful TO YOU. When you mess up, He has nothing but mercy FOR YOU.

Not condemnation, judgment, or a big ole wagging finger in your face.

Mercy. Loving kindness. That is His heart TOWARD YOU. So, again, Give Thanks!

“Oh, Lord, sometimes people are not so merciful toward me. Sometimes they are not so loving or kind. But You are! Thank You!!!”

There are more riches in this Psalm to explore in the days to come, but for today…. Whatever you may be going through or dealing with, Give Thanks throughout your day.

Let your ears hear your voice say it. Your heart will be blessed. It will elevate you and produce a cheerful countenance for all to see. In the process, they too may be blessed!

Stay tuned for more love to come!
Agree with God… He is YOUR Help!!

8 Responses to Agree with God, He really is Your Help!
  1. Dee Schader
    July 17, 2009 | 10:50 am

    As we spoke the other day I was going to tell you I miss your writings, but as always we talked about “our Kids” and the blessings of watching them grow and to be esteemed.
    I was trying to think of how to approach a friend who is going though a lot of issues about taking this exact stance on “Thanking the Lord” for awhile so that she can concentrate on her blessings for a while “The Lord is good and answers prayers once again because he gave me you. I’m going to send her the link. Thanks be to God.
    Love you

  2. Maryann Ehmann
    July 17, 2009 | 1:16 pm

    Aw, Dee…. you warm my heart.

  3. Amy Pak
    July 17, 2009 | 6:48 pm

    Hey, Maryann!

    Great reminder for us–it begins with acknowledging His simple truth! I was just sharing with a friend who is going through a tough time just today from Psalm 91, and one of the verses (v. 14) jumped out at me (almost in answer to the verses above!) when I read your blog:

    “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.”

    What power is unleashed when we just acknowledge who He is and take comfort and faith in that! 🙂

    Thanks again, MA!


  4. Rev. Priscilla Bueno
    July 17, 2009 | 7:59 pm

    God bless you Maryanne.
    Yes it has been awhile since you sent anything out to me. I read through your article and I am thankful that you sent it to me. Psalms 118 is the Psalm that Moses sung with the Nation of Israel after being delivered from Egypt. It is also the Psalm that Jesus sang with HIs disciples on the day of the Last Supper. Some times we get so distressed focusing on our problems, that we forget to focuss on the problem mender Christ. By doing this we cannot thank God in the process because our minds are fogged up with anxiety and discouragement. I do appreciate God for giving YOU to us. A person with unconditional love and compassion for those who are in nedd of it. Keep up the good work and may the Lord richly bless you!
    Your friend in the Lord Rev. P.B.

  5. Rev. Priscilla Bueno
    July 17, 2009 | 8:06 pm

    I am sorry for some errors on my comment. I was trying to write quickly to finish what was in my mind before I forgot that, I did not go back to correct the words that needed correction. Anyway God bless you!

  6. Kathy A.
    July 18, 2009 | 5:02 am

    It is a blessing to hear from you, again, dear lady in The Lord!
    Hallelujah!– Yes, The Lord is indeed so Good, and His Mercy does endure for ever.
    Whenever I now read the phrase “His Mercy endures forever,” Maryann, it makes me think of “why” His Mercy has to “endure.” I see it as Him enduring all our mess-ups, and our missing His mark of perfection, and … so much that He has to endure …from those who don’t (yet) Love Him, and from us who have known Him for a good while, but still get distracted, at times, and also reject the fullness of His Love, so often.
    He is able! He does pick us up when we fall! He lead us on to greater things, as we choose to listen, again, to His still, small (quiet) Voice, of Gentle Love! He is ever ready to hear us! He hugs us with people He loves loving us, in right attitudes, actions & words! He is so awesome; it is so difficult to put it into words.
    But He has already written down enough for us to bask in His presence with, in His Word. Let’s praise Him together, and … just “rest” (fully) in His Love, fellowshipping in that spirit of His that is Understanding & Compassion!
    He is most blessed forever!
    Baruch haShem Adonai Elohenu!
    Baruch haShem Adonai Yeshua!
    Blessed be The Name of The Lord, Whose lovingkindness and mercy “do” endure forever!

    with Love, in Him,
    Kathy A. in TN
    Hebrews 13: 20-21
    Ephes. 1: 3 — 2: 10

  7. Tina Romano
    July 20, 2009 | 12:05 pm


    Thank you for remembering to share God’s wisdom with me. I also have a business and a vocation. Rather than differentiate as though my business and vocation are somehow unrelated, I live and work in all areas of my life by God’s word in Colossians 3:23-24

    “23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving”

    My life feels like a roller coaster that is in motion with rare and perfect stops. I have most likely faced a number of trials that are only most peoples nightmares. Life is a battle but should not be a source of fear, grief or depression; God asures his children that this earth is not our final stop. Through our salvation we gain heaven for not just a few short years but forever! I am strong in the Lord’s army, he has walked through the hell and horror of my life and filled my heart with determination, love, hope, and just enough faith for each day. I suppose the scars from each and every battle have left remnants of pain, loss and grief. Overcoming the adversity in my life is a reminder of the daily mercy of God’s provision and grace.

    By his hand, the hand that covered Moses as he nestled in the mountains rock, my husband and I are enabled to provide a loving, nurturing and spiritual home for our 6 children, 4 of which have profound emotional, academic and/or mental disabilities. We have 3 special needs children and one adult son living at home.

    I face each new day as a gift that God has allowed me one more day to be a wife and mother. As I walk the long journey to my heavenly home, I cling to the Lord and the love of my life, my husband Scott. We celebrated our one year anniversary in May of 2009.

    In Christ,

  8. cathy G
    July 20, 2009 | 5:23 pm

    Thank You for your loving words… brought a smile and warmth to my heart because God has truly blessed my family and myself. I can not imagine my life without God. He IS Great and Good and I am even more blessed now that I have you in my life!!
    Blessings to you,

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