Are you happy?

Keys to Happiness…. In the Bible???

Are you happy?  Do you want to be happy?

These may sound like dumb questions … doesn’t everyone want to be happy?

Well, yes, I believe they do.  But, there is a notion about happiness in many Christian circles that specifically devalues happiness!

Consider this common teaching:
Happiness is related to happenings.
Happenings are temporary.
Therefore don’t seek happiness, a temporary and fleeting state of mind.
Instead, seek joy because joy is a reliable gift from God.

Well, I submit this thinking, one I long ascribed to, is wrong.  Oh, not that I don’t believe in seeking the joy of the Lord… it is, after all, our strength.

But I do believe we can and should expect happiness… and not feel an ounce of trepidation, guilt, or shame about it!

In our counseling/coaching ministry, we talk with people regularly who are not happy – in their marriages, their jobs, their relationships with their children or extended families, in their finances… the list goes on.

If I may, I would like to do a series on this topic over the next week or so.  I love people to be happy, and I know they can be.

In fact, the other day I came across my old high school yearbook and in it one of my best friends noted that I had a way of making people happy wherever I go.  I didn’t know that.  This was stunning to me.  I had no idea making people happy would be part of my life’s mission!

So, I ask you again… are you happy and do you want to be? Would you be so kind and let me know?

On a scale of 1 -10, how happy are you, generally?  How about in your marriage, if you are married?  In your work?  In your relationships, especially with God? with yourself?

I want to help you become happier.  Would you let me know if this is of interest to you?

God has given us many keys I would love to pass on to you.  It is His intention and design that we be happy, otherwise there would be no biblical passages giving us clues!!

So, here’s one for you to meditate on from Psalm 89:15:

“Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are the people who know the joyful sound; they walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!”

Tip #1:  KNOW the joyful sound.  This joyful sound is actually a loud, shout, often with music and relates to celebrating all that God has done!  Go ahead!  Feel free to celebrate!  Shout out the goodness of the Lord!  Even if you don’t feel like it — trust me, it is elevating and will transform the energy in the atmosphere around you.

Tip #2:  WALK in the LIGHT and FAVOR of God’s countenance.  His countenance is His turning His face to you, looking upon you, with Favor in His eyes! This is a truth you can carry around with you, all through the day!  Maybe you can take some time and meditate and receive that today!

Tip #3:  Get my new book, “Have I Ever Told You, You’re My Favorite!”  It is helping so many increase in the favor of God… and that is a totally delightful key to happiness!

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